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Friday, April 23, 2010

Ruper Murdoch's Son Goes Offhttp://www.thedailybell.com/989/Murdoch-Goes-Off.html

Born with a platinum spoon in his mouth, guess he is wondering what is going to happen to all of his daddy's buck with competition from the alternative internet media. What is the world coming to when the monopoly media elites are challenged?

I think we should all Boycott Murdoch's Pay for Neocon Propaganda Scheme, see

On the bright side of Murdoch and Faux News, he needs the money that patriots like "The Judge" bring in hence Freedom Watch will become a weekend program on Fox News.
http://freedomwatchonfox.com/ Also, even Glenn Beck is hinting at the truth and questioning some of the Neocon foreign policy schemes and his viewership gives him some protection from those who want to silence him.

Although the rest of my family members loath Glenn Beck, I applaude his educational efforts and courage and like his efforts to better educate the public on the progressive lies in our history. If he would only go back to the original takeover of our nation by the bankers and Rothschild elements with Lincoln and his unconstitutional and illegal war of aggression.

In defense of Lincoln and it pains me to do this, I believe he did not follow the banker plan unlike the South, which really didn't have an option and this could have led to his being taken out by John Wilkes Booth. Note, black flag operations didn't just start in the last 50 years and murder of Kennedy and probably Martin L King probably were similiar situations.

Still after Lincoln's War, when you live by the sword maybe you deserve to die by the sword.

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