
Switzerland is beautiful, safe and secure.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Greece Needs Bailout Nowhttp://preview.bloomberg.com/news/2010-04-23/greece-asks-eu-imf-to-activate-bailout-deal-that-may-test-euro-stability.html

This Pig Needs BBQing. I was last there in the fall and what a disaster of a nation with everyone on the government payroll, sort of like the US where 50% of the people pay no income tax and the other 50% support the parasetic 50%. Dr. Walter Williams has the right idea today on LRC where he advocates taking the right to vote themselves more stolen goods away from the 50% who pay no taxes. See his Ban Non Taxpayers From Voting at http://www.lewrockwell.com/williams-w/w-williams30.html

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